This whole weekend and including days from last week I was working on my storyboard as it has to be 10 to 15 pages long and understanding me, I know I would have waited to the last minute. I made sure to start ahead of time so that I can use these days to finalize and fix my storyboard in case I wanted to cut some scenes out as I had too many scenes that would be past 5 minutes long based on my screenplay. In my screenplay I had about 13 pages of dialogue and action for my movie, but my teachers said to add as much as we can because it will be easier in the end to cut scenes out than it is to add them. Once I finish storyboarding I hope we can start filming especially because Thanksgiving week is coming and I can use that time to get together and start filming. I am going to film all scenes from my screenplay including the one I already planned to cut out just so I can have in case. I wan to have everything organized so that this process can be easy on not just me but also the participants that are going to be in my film. My storyboard is a bit rough but I am far from an artist, I understand that my drawings are a little hard to look at but I tried my best to get the overall scene onto the paper. I do believe that on camera and on film it will look much better than that on my storyboard. I already have in mind how I want to film and direct each scene. I was super happy to see the email from my teachers stating that they have extended the due date for our storyboard because I was able to work and focus on it this weekend which I was happy about.
Drawing the storyboard did take some hours out of my time and I even brought it with me when I went dog sitting yesterday at my family's friend house. This whole time I was storyboarding I made it a fun task by blasting music and just using the time to de-stress and just draw how I want it to be since it is my movie. I ended up having 10 pages because I plan to elaborate more in my film but I drew all the main scenes in my movie onto the paper. What I did first was label all the 10 paper I had and wrote over each box what I was going to draw. I then proceeded to draw everything out first before I wrote what type of camera shots, movements, angles, editing, and sound for each box or scene. Storyboarding for me is not my favorite part of the filming process mainly because I can barely draw so I find this part of the process boring. I can't wait to actually start filming because my mind is bursting with creativity and ideas that I want to bring to life for the movie. I hope you enjoy overall my storyboard presented through Google Slides as I worked super long and hard on it. I am actually happy that I am official done with my storyboard for my movie and that I can finally work on filming once my teacher gives us the okay. I am also excited that tomorrow we will start our social media for the movie, I can't wait to upload and promote my movie and give fun behind the scenes footage of the process.
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