Thursday, October 15, 2020

Short Film vs. Feature Length Film

     I just want to start off by saying that I totally recommend watching the short film and full length film of 9 because honestly it was really amazing. There were many differences of both films as one was 7 minutes long and had to have all the plot in a short amount of time. Whereas, you had the feature film which was an hour and 13 minutes long and had the same plot from the beginning to end but in depth with the characters in the film. After watching both you can obviously tell that there were improvements in the character development in the film. In the short film you were introduced to two rag-dolls, 5 and 9, but did not get much interaction between them and the fact that they did not talk. However, in the feature film you were introduced to a wide range of rag-doll characters that were able to talk and had different personalities from each other. In both of the films you can see how important the details and surrounding was important to the director and his team because they maintained that idea for both films. The overall mood and feel of the movie remained the same. I also felt like there was a difference in the special effects because in the short film it was very subtle while in the feature film they used as much lighting and sounds to create the special effect and make it more stronger than the short film. The hologram near the ending of the movie for me was the best special effect and helped me understand what was going on through the explanation of the scientist.

    For both of the films the consistent use of diegetic sounds remained which I don't mind. The only difference I felt was that more score music was used in the feature film than in the short film. The biggest difference for me was the endings because in the original short film I felt as if the ending was rushed and lacked emotion. In the feature film the ending was the same except it was extended and there was lots of emotions because there was character development and closeness that made you feel happy but sad when watching the ending. The feature film for me had a more clear and strong opening and ending of the film compared to the short film. Another thing I noticed was that the opening and ending credits of the feature film really set the mood and fit the movie perfectly where in the short film the opening with the director or creator really didn't fit for me. If I had to choose which was my favorite I have to choose the feature film, as I can see myself watching again over the short film. I believe that both of the films were beautifully done and made me curious, but came down to what I would watch again and that is the feature film. I am so happy that my teachers assigned this research assignment I really enjoyed watching the movie and I can't wait to watch it with my friends soon. If you haven't watched it, you should I promise you will love it.

This is Stephanie signing off!

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