Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Genres I Would Like to Research

     On October 5, 2020 our very first research assignment to do for our short film was to think about three different genres that would relate to our pitch or idea we wanted to convey through our film. I took the time to look at the pitch I wrote and sat myself down to actually think and write out what I wanted my film to be while being simple and concise. I decided on the genres: action, thriller, and mystery because, I truly felt that those were the only one's that my future short film would fall under if it were released. I wanted my short film to be based on a genre that I myself and others would prefer to watch. I wanted to do a similar genre that I did last year in AICE Media Studies because I want to improve from last time, but the only difference is that its based on my own personal creative idea. I want to show that I have grown and learned from my past filming and editing mistakes, and improve on the film's overall look and sound. I want to make sure that my film is perfect since we will also include social media sites, a website, and a post card. I want to make my short film suspenseful and intriguing to hook the audience and have them wanting more. Honestly the Thriller genre is out of my comfort zone, but I included it because why not give it a try and maybe in the end the short film might end up being on track under that genre. The assignment given to me from my teachers will rely on me to research all three genres and choose the best match for my short film. The best part about it is that, this time we are making a complete film with a beginning, middle, and end and we can choose whatever genre we would like.

    To introduce you to the genres I defined each of them and basically will give you an overview of each of the genre that I chose which is again; action, thriller, and mystery. An action film is a film genre that has a protagonist portrayed and is always placed in situations where violence, fights, chases, and physical abilities or assets are necessary. A thriller film is always fiction, and bases off of the mood of the audience by feeding them suspense, excitement, anticipation, and surprise. A mystery film is fiction and revolves around problem-solving, such as detecting a person's death or a crime to be solved. I will go in depth of each genre from research in my next blogs and I will have a Google slide prepared for each one. I did my best to research and try to look into each genre in the perspective of looking at the genres dynamic and consistent techniques of different movies. I am excited to do my research and discover a gem that will spark an interest in me to pick it. As of today, I am definitely leaning towards the mystery genre, however, I have to go back and really reflect and think over the planning of my film and afterwards make a valid decision. I can't believe that we are entering the planning process of the film making process and I can't wait to continue on my journey. I will return with my final answer and we will see which genre didn't make the cut.

This is Stephanie signing off!

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