Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Blog

On October 24, 2019 our class was able to start filming around our school campus and finally use the equipment that our teacher has been teaching us to use. Once we got to class we were automatically told to start getting our forms signed in order to check out all of the equipment such as the camera, camera bag, tripod, and the tripod bag. Once my group had all of our equipment we checked the battery of the camera to make sure we had enough to be able to film during the class period which we ended up having just enough. While my group member Asia was handling the equipment, I was getting my SD card which we will be using to store all of our footage. I was also preparing all the clothes I brought for each scene and making sure I brought the right clothes. Once we had everything ready me and my group member Asia signed out to get the Aice Media Studies pass which will give us access to film on campus without getting in trouble. At the time our other group member Jeannie was running late to class and she was supposed to bring the donuts and iced coffee for the commercial. So me and Asia decided to film the scenes that didn't require the iced coffee and donuts until she comes. On October 22, 2019 Jeannie she informed us ahead of time that she was going to be late the day we were filming so we wouldn't be surprised on the filming day. We were able to get most of what we needed however, we definitely need to re-film so that we can have different clips to choose from when it comes time to edit the footage.
    My group members and I had a fun time filming it was definitely the best part of the project not having to deal with a lot of stress and just enjoy recording and filming. For me being the actress in the commercial was natural since i'm used to being filmed and love doing skits with my friends outside of school and in school. The only con side of filming was that it was extremely hot outside and I had to run back in forth to bathroom to change clothes for each scene but, other than that we had so much laughter and excitement during the filming process. There were times when I would laugh and we would have to do the scene over again and this happened a couple of times. Going through the filming process it felt so real for me, I actually pictured that this was for an actual commercial that would air on TV this kept me going an staying professional on camera except for sometimes. I really enjoyed that the tension between my team members got resolved because when we were filming all I felt was joy and laughter. In the past classes my group members Asia and Jeannie were conflicting each other the whole class time, it felt good to just have that creative freedom that you get during the filming process. Around 10:35 we wrapped up our filming for the day and went back to the classroom to be able to dump all our footage from the SD card onto a new folder on the computer. The dumping process was extremely easy all we did was place the SD card into the SD card reader and plugged it into the computer. Then we highlighted all the footage and dragged them into the new folder we created and waited until it was 100% finished with transferring all of it. Once we finished we only had two minutes left of class and we completed today's filming. All we have to do is re-film on Monday and dump it into the computer and we can start editing.

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