Monday, October 28, 2019

Editing the Commercial

Today me and my team members were able to re-film a couple of the scenes. The scene we had to re-film were the low Angle shot and the scene of me walking while tired and me sleeping while awake with coffee. Once we finished re- filming the scenes we transferred the footage from the SD card to Jeannie computer since the school computers broke down. Today we were supposed to start editing but because the computer doesn't have internet and broke down all we could do today is wrote our editing blog. Our teacher also assigned us to transfer our footage from the SD card onto our Google Drive or onto a flashdrive. However, none of us had a flashdrive so all of our footage went onto Jeannie Google Drive. During our re-filming process  we had to do it extremely quickly since we had a blog due at the end of class. The re-filming process was quick and we were able to get all the footage we needed. Jeannie and Asia were able to direct together while I was finishing up acting in the scenes we still needed. Editing the footage will be complex since we all discussed that we wanted to do a voiceover and have a split screen in the commercial.
    Jeannie and I went through all of the footage and decided which shots were the best and which one's we can delete or save as bloopers. We were able to get clear, perfect shots that we wanted in the commercial. Today my group members and I both made an outline of how we will make the commercial look like and how it should be set-up. The computers located in our classroom always have had problems such as no internet and loading slowly. Most of our computers also don't work making everyone share computers since there is not enough for everyone anymore. Our idea of the Dunkin Donut commercial is to create a commercial that is unique and different than most of there commercials. We decided to do a commercial about a student (which is portrayed by me) and how she acts different with coffee and donuts than she does without coffee and donuts. We hope that our commercial can portray everything that we will edit next class. Our Dunkin Donuts commercial is going to be an example of how teens in highschool always need or have Dunkin Donuts.
    If we were able to edit today in class I believe we would have started out with recording our voiceover. Once we finished recording our voiceover we would have to find a way to transfer it to the computer and add it into Pinnacle Studios.  But before we transfer our voiceover we have to transfer all of our footage into Pinnacle Studios. Once we have all of our footage and voiceover in Pinnacle Studios we will start off by changing the color of one of the scenes to be dark grey to portray tiredness. Then we will have to add the split screen in our commercial. The split screen is the most important element of our commercial since we have been discussing about the split screen since the beginning of the project. We would also edit in transitions and cuts. Asia one of my team members is the editor of the group but all of us will contribute to help edit our commercial. Jeannie is one with the idea and concept of the commercial so she would be in charge of finalizing the final commercial. Hopefully the computers will be fixed by next class and we could actually start editing. 

Friday, October 25, 2019

Filming Blog

On October 24, 2019 our class was able to start filming around our school campus and finally use the equipment that our teacher has been teaching us to use. Once we got to class we were automatically told to start getting our forms signed in order to check out all of the equipment such as the camera, camera bag, tripod, and the tripod bag. Once my group had all of our equipment we checked the battery of the camera to make sure we had enough to be able to film during the class period which we ended up having just enough. While my group member Asia was handling the equipment, I was getting my SD card which we will be using to store all of our footage. I was also preparing all the clothes I brought for each scene and making sure I brought the right clothes. Once we had everything ready me and my group member Asia signed out to get the Aice Media Studies pass which will give us access to film on campus without getting in trouble. At the time our other group member Jeannie was running late to class and she was supposed to bring the donuts and iced coffee for the commercial. So me and Asia decided to film the scenes that didn't require the iced coffee and donuts until she comes. On October 22, 2019 Jeannie she informed us ahead of time that she was going to be late the day we were filming so we wouldn't be surprised on the filming day. We were able to get most of what we needed however, we definitely need to re-film so that we can have different clips to choose from when it comes time to edit the footage.
    My group members and I had a fun time filming it was definitely the best part of the project not having to deal with a lot of stress and just enjoy recording and filming. For me being the actress in the commercial was natural since i'm used to being filmed and love doing skits with my friends outside of school and in school. The only con side of filming was that it was extremely hot outside and I had to run back in forth to bathroom to change clothes for each scene but, other than that we had so much laughter and excitement during the filming process. There were times when I would laugh and we would have to do the scene over again and this happened a couple of times. Going through the filming process it felt so real for me, I actually pictured that this was for an actual commercial that would air on TV this kept me going an staying professional on camera except for sometimes. I really enjoyed that the tension between my team members got resolved because when we were filming all I felt was joy and laughter. In the past classes my group members Asia and Jeannie were conflicting each other the whole class time, it felt good to just have that creative freedom that you get during the filming process. Around 10:35 we wrapped up our filming for the day and went back to the classroom to be able to dump all our footage from the SD card onto a new folder on the computer. The dumping process was extremely easy all we did was place the SD card into the SD card reader and plugged it into the computer. Then we highlighted all the footage and dragged them into the new folder we created and waited until it was 100% finished with transferring all of it. Once we finished we only had two minutes left of class and we completed today's filming. All we have to do is re-film on Monday and dump it into the computer and we can start editing.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Storyboard Blog

    Today my partners and I are creating our storyboard which is a comic representation of the entire commercial including the aspects of camera movements, camera angles, dialogue, and more. Our first six-second of the commercial consist of the actor walking to a destination at a low angle. The second six seconds consist of a wide shot and an establishing shot of the actor in pajamas sleeping on a bench in front of the school. The third six seconds is of the actor in more presentable ware such as a denim skirt, striped shirt, as well as presentable hair. Also in this third six seconds actor will talk to friends joyful while eating a donut and drinking ice coffee from Dunkin Donuts. At the 24 second mark, there will be a split-screen of the two different scenarios presented previously. The last six seconds will consist of an insert of prices of different Dunkin Donuts options.

 List of Angles/Movements/Shots/Editing 

  • Pan
  • Wide Shot 
  • Close Up 
  • Low Angle 
  • Split Screen 
  • Establishing Shot
  • Over the Shoulder
  • Insert
  • Long shot 
  • Medium Shot

Monday, October 14, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

     Today in class we learned the procedures to check out a camera, how to use the equipment, and how to edit on Pinnacle studios. In order to check out a camera you, first have to fill out the Equipment Agreement Form located in the cubby of our classroom. Then you will bring the form to the teachers desk, line up and wait until you receive a camera and equipment. On the Equipment Agreement Form you have to fill out all the information besides the item number. Once you receive your camera and tripod the number written on the case is the item number which you will write down on the form. Once everything is signed and you received your camera and tripod you then place your form in the class folder near the entrance of the classroom. Since our commercials will be filmed during class and on campus, we will have a media pass which everyone is obligated to sign the paper in order to film outside of the classroom. Along with the media pass every student has to have their school ID on and visible at all times in case of emergencies and codes during class. For our class we only have one SD card reader that everyone must share. To use the SD card reader you have sign it out and place the SD card from the camera into the SD card reader. Once you dumped all your footage on the computer in your personalized folder, you take out the SD card reader, take out the SD card and return the SD card reader back into the basket for others to use.
     To turn on the camera all you have to do is open the viewfinder and to shut it off you just close the viewfinder. The tripod can extend it's legs however, you always have to close the tripod when moving and place everything back into their case to prevent yourself from losing the equipment. To attach the camera to the tripod take off the little attachment from the tripod and click it on to the bottom of the camera and turn until you hear the little click. Once you have heard the click tighten the attachment under the camera and place it back on the tripod. You can easily do a tilt, pan Oblique/Dutch/ Canted   shot. You could also do a hand held shot since the camera can easily fit into your hands. The camera comes with a shared SD card and a USB cord if you wanted to dump your footage at home on your computer to prevent anyone from deleting your clips. The camera takes really long to charge however, once it is fully charged the camera will last you a long time. The camera are touch screen and easy to use. You have to turn in the camera the next day when it's due back.
    The editing software you will use is Pinnacle Studios 17, 18, or 19 they are all the same. Open up a new folder on your desktop and drag all you clips and footage from your SD card to the folder. You have to make sure you have to use the same computer everytime and in case any of your group members are absent you need each other's log in information. All of our editing process will be done in class on the computers. To start the editing process you have to place the SD card into the SD card reader and plug it into the computer. Look for your footages in DCIM and make sure the date and time are correct. Highlight your videos then drag it into your new folder, then click out of the SD reader and take out your SD card and place the SD card reader back. To import your videos into Pinnacle Studios you click the import tab then select your videos. To edit all you click is the edit tab at the top and it will bring you to the editing page with raw footage and 3 different AV Tracks. AV Track (1) is used for titles, AV Track (2) is for your footage, and AV Track (3) is for the sound. In order to save your movie, commercial and music video you have to save it to your folder. When you finish editing you must export your project. When exporting make sure you choose MPEG-4 and is full size SD (good quality). Once your project finishes exporting to your folder make sure to check that the video is exactly how you want it to be then close Pinnacle Studios.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Planning Blog for Dunkin Donuts Commercial

 Today in class we are planning out what we are gonna be doing for our overall commercial. We are doing a commercial on Dunkin' Donuts. We are going over our props, locations, back-up plans if any needed, the time, and day. Today we are finalizing our commercial on who is going to do what and who is going to get the props. Jeannie is going to be our director and will be filming the commercial. Stephanie will be the actress in the commercial. Asia will be our editor. Stephanie and Jeannie decided that Jeannie will be purchasing the iced coffee and donuts for the commercial.


  • Me and my groups are using these props because they represent the Dunkin Donuts brand. 
  • Dunkin' Donut coffee/ donuts, and costumes 
       Scene 1: The actor will be seen wearing, baggy sweater, yoga pants, and will have messy hair.
       Scene 2: The actor will be seen wearing a denim skirt, striped shirt, presentable hair.
       We are using these two different costumes to show how different the person acts and dresses               with and without Dunkin Donuts coffee and sandwich. 
  • Planning is what we are presently doing in class today.
  • Storyboard we will be doing on October 14, 2019.
  • The script we will be writing during class.
  • Shoot/ Re-shoot we will be doing on October 21 and forward on until we have everything we need to be filmed.
  • Edit will be done on October 23, 2019, which will conclude our commercial project

  • School bench across Band Room
  • The reason why we are filming at this location is to show the actor is sleeping.
                Back-Up Plan
  • If by any chance it starts to rain the day of filming me and my partners will film inside and cut all of the sounds. 
  • If Stephanie the actors does not show up Jeannie will be the actor, If the director doesn't show up Asia will be the director, If Editor doesn't show up Stephanie will be the editor. 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Research Conventions and Codes

Our group having chosen Dunkin Donuts to be our commercial, we have seen most of their commercials on TV or on YouTube. Usually their commercials are revolved around the daily life of individuals at home, at work, or in the store. One example, is a commercial in 2019 that had a black man starring on his lunch break eating two bacon, egg and cheese croissant at the same time. Inferring to the audience of how good the sandwich is based on the fact that he is eating two of them. Another example that Dunkin Donuts uses to show how beneficially they are in people's daily life is that the commercial shows a tired, messy haired mother waking up to her kids running and screaming but smiles while she takes a a sip of her Dunkin Donuts Coffee. At the end of every Dunkin Donuts commercial they try to promote their new deal for breakfast and coffee such as the 2 for $5.00 for any breakfast sandwich and the $2.00 medium latte from 2-6 p.m.
   The actors in the commercial are usually of different races, culture, classes, and sizes to show that Dunkin Donuts run on the people or families. The locations of most of the scenes are either at the store, at work in an office, or at home with a family. Most of their commercial has soft music playing in the background to get that sense that Dunkin Donuts is a comfortable, safe place. The narrator in the commercials are usually a soft spoken woman with a clear voice. The commercials end with the their logo and catch phrase so that people watching the commercial can remember the catchy catch phrase for breakfast and lunch.
Image result for dunkin donuts deals
     Image result for dunkin donuts deals

Sunday, October 6, 2019


    Hello, my name is Stephanie and I am an 11th grader at Fort Lauderdale High School. I consider myself to be truly kind and determined, I am the type of person that will always support and protect my family and friends until the end of time. I come from a long line of Europeans, my mother was born in Belgrade, Serbia and my father was born in Salzburg, Austria. Even though I was born in America I always tell people that I have European blood since I am a proud American-European in which I grew up traveling and following customs and culture of that in Serbia. I am bilingual in which I speak English and Serbian but, I am currently learning Spanish and Hebrew. I am a messianic Jew, it was difficult for me coming from a family in which my dad is nonreligious and my mom being orthodox, however, my mom and dad both support my decision, even if my dad sometimes questions why I wanted to be one.
        My dream is to become a veterinary assistant as I love animals and want to help as many animals as I can. Currently, I am a volunteer with Saving Sage Animal Rescue and to me, this was the best thing that could ever happen to me. When I am helping animals I can't help but smile and I hope that one day I can help Saving Sage Animal Rescue go international and help other animals around the world. I currently have three pets; I have a Maltese dog named Bobi, a Goldfish named Koi, and another Goldfish named Diamond. Recently my Betta fish Wildfire which I had for three years passed away but he will always be in my heart. One of my hobbies which I enjoy is baking and cooking as I feel that I can just let my creative side let loose and take over.
         The current classes I am taking include Analysis and Function, Study Hall, AP English Composition, AICE Thinking Skills, AICE U.S History, AICE Media Studies, Culinary Level 3 Honors, and AICE Marine Science. This year I tried not to take as many overwhelming classes since my 10th-grade year my anxiety was like a roller coaster. This year I am super excited and can't wait to see what this school year has in stored for me.