Friday, September 18, 2020

All Alone

     Hello everyone this is Stephanie and I have an update on who I will be working with this year on the short film. I decided, after reflecting and lots of coffee, I decided to work alone this year for my short film. I made a decision based on what's going on with the pandemic, understanding that my parents do not feel comfortable yet with me going and filming with group members. I mainly wanted to work by myself because of my hectic classes and I want to be able to focus on the task by following my schedule. Since this is my final year of high school, I want to take the time to improve my filming and editing skills at my own pace. This is going to be a fun assignment and I can not wait to start planning and actually produce this short film. I would like to take the time to learn about producing a postcard and website, since I never made one in my entire existence. Its not that I don't want to have group members or that I don't like my classmates, its just what I believe is safest and more comfortable for me. I understand the work and journey that I will be going though alone, but I am willing to put a lot of effort and creativity to pass this class and produce an amazing short film. My main goal this year is to be stress free and focus on my classes making sure everything is done and checked off. 

    Last year in AICE Media Studies, I was in a group, basically the entire year and I also feel like that is another contributing factor to why I want to work alone this year. I had a lot of problems with my group members in which we never followed a schedule or plan what we were going to work on, even though I always pushed for it. There was so many times where my group members were supposed to edit and finish the video before the deadline, but they would ask me to do it instead the night before it was due, and I would freak out. I am not trying to expose them because they are my friends, super creative, and smart, but, I don't want to fall behind schedule and be doomed later when its due. We also had problems where one group member would not be doing enough work, and I know that if I work alone, I can hold myself accountable for my own work. Last year we had multiple different projects which includes: a 30 second commercial, music video, and the final task which was to create a beginning of a movie. This year we have all year to work on our final task and this time we have to include all elements in the film  a beginning, middle, and end. This gives me plenty enough time to plan, produce, edit, and finalize the short film so that it can be amazing. I am going to make sure to have the guidance of my teachers and peer review my work with my friends and family along this journey. I will always help out my friends when they need me and I will always ask for help when I need as well. Just because I am working alone doesn't mean I can't ask my friends and classmates for help right? well here is a picture of me.


This is Stephanie signing off!

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