For the music video I was able to work alone, I was super excited to film and edit the music video because this was what I have been waiting to do since the beginning of this class. I was super excited to film the music video because I had so much fun working with my friends and I was super happy to show it to my Rabbi's and my synagogue since I promised to show them when everything was done. For the music video I did two separate videos, I made a full length music video which is not shown below and a shortened version that falls under the time limit for the project in slide 1. I wanted to show you both of them because I worked so hard on both of them and I want to be able to bring a smile on people's face especially during this hard time. I want to uplift people to be positive and happy and since everything was recorded and saved onto my own SD card, I had a lot of freedom to film. When we first got this project I already told my past group members that I wanted to do this alone, so I can learn by myself how to plan, storyboard, film, edit, re-shoot if needed, and re-edit. When we got this project, it was assigned during the week before we had Thanksgiving break which was perfect because I was able to film and edit everything during my break. I was able to finish both the long and shortened versions of my music video before the actual deadline. When I was editing the music video it honestly was everything I imagined and envisioned it was going to be. My best friend Allison who was in the music video she fell in love with it and even asked to save it on a flash drive. This song and dance will always have a special place in my heart and I hope it will in your as well.
Although the dancing is not as clean, we are not professionals and I wanted this to be a fun experience even if there were mistakes. My other best friend Rachel worked the camera and she was truly amazing, she kept the camera so stable and clean even when he was moving holding and moving it around on the tripod. Rachel made sure that we were always on screen and that when we moved she followed us so we did not have to spend more time outside re-shooting. She picked out the location and was super professional and I could not have asked for a better director and camera person. I remember spending 3 hours filming outside and once we finished we went inside the apartment and changed back to our regular clothes and played dominoes while eating pizza. I was so happy to have got all the scenes and shots needed because that was the only day where my friend Allison was working and Rachel could hang out with us. My sister Sabrina was also a shining star making sure we were on track and adding in a few details into the dance. All four of us, we were super excited to show our synagogue the final music video, they were super excited since they never knew me and Sabrina were taking a class where we learn about the filming process. In the end they loved it so much that they made me lead the dance and everyone followed in complete unity. I hope you truly enjoy the music video and not look at it with a heavy heart but with a light heart.
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