What I did first when editing was import all of my footage onto Pinnacle Studios which didn't take a while like it would have in class. After all the footage imported I decided was shots I wanted my music video to be. I decided that I will use the end of the song and shots that corresponds to that part of the song. I had to cut or trim much of the scenes because it was longer than one minute. Once I cut the shots I wanted it ended being exactly one minute and fourteen seconds. Which is the exact amount I wanted my music video to be. Once I finished editing the shots and putting it together, I opened up YouTube and a mp3 link converter so that I can save the music onto my computer. I copied the link and pasted it into the mp3 converter site and I was able to save the song onto my computer under Music and now I will have it saved in case something deletes or happens. I went onto Pinnacle Studios and added the song into the background. But before I did, I made sure that all the shots and scenes together on AV Track 2 was muted of sound.
Editing for me was super easy and fun since I was playing my music and editing. Although I am not finished with editing my Music video I plan to finish over the weekend and turn it in before the deadline through email. This is the first time that I actually enjoyed the editing process since the commercial project. I hope that for future filming projects I will have the same feeling and enjoyment for the editing process. Since I was working alone this whole music video project I definitely felt a type of freedom and could let my creativity fully let go during this project. So far with what I have edited I'm really happy with the results. The music video so far is everything I visioned it to be. The only thing I have to still focus on during my editing is to align the music with the dance just like how I wanted the dance to go with the song. But other than that I will be finished with editing my music video and I could export it onto my folder located on my desktop. Once I finish, I will turn in my Music video project and all I can focus on Monday is my CCR that will be due on December 11.